The Hunting Stories Podcast
Elk. Bear. Hog. Turkey. Deer and More. Hunting Stories that will make you laugh or maybe cry; real life chronicles from the field.
The Hunting Stories Podcast
Ep 121 The Hunting Stories Podcast: Chad Wilson
Ever wondered what it’s like to track deer amidst the luxury of Southern California’s million-dollar mansions or to set out on a wild adventure with a friend packed with beers and laughter? Chad Wilson, the ever-enthusiastic Chadapillar, joins us to unravel his passion for hunting and the outdoors in today’s episode. Chad whisks us away with his energetic storytelling, recounting exhilarating and often humorous escapades. From early rut season anticipation to encounters with big bucks in steep canyons, Chad's stories offer a unique blend of excitement and foolhardy charm that promises to keep you hooked and entertained.
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Howdy folks and welcome to the Hunting Stories Podcast. I'm your host, michael, and we got another good one for you today. Today, we're actually connecting with Chad Wilson. If you don't know Chad, he's also known as the Chadapillar, and I'll tell you what. Guys, you don't need a cup of coffee this morning, because Chad is bringing all the energy that we need. So, chad, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. Man, I really do appreciate it.
Speaker 1:I know it took us a long time to get this thing scheduled, but I did have a lot of people saying that I had to have you on and I'm very glad that I did so. Um, yeah, that's it, chad. That is some of his stories, thank you, all right, chad. Welcome to the Hunting Stories Podcast. Brother, how are you man? Yeah, baby, thanks for having me on. Brother, appreciate you. Yeah, yeah, chad, man, I'm super excited to have you here. Man, we've been talking for a long time, but obviously we're both in the woods nonstop, but you are one of the few people that have like multiple people. When I talk to my guests, I'm like, hey, do you have anyone that's got some crazy stories or is fun to hear stories from? And multiple people have been like you've got to get Chad on, so I'm glad we're able to finally make this thing happen. Man, yeah, it's going to be fun. Let's start with this real quick. Why don't you introduce yourself so the people know who they're hearing some stories from today.
Speaker 2:Well, hey, I'm Chad, also known as the Chadapilla the killer. The killer, Chadapilla. Yeah, Out here in SoCal, baby dude. Yeah, it's been 100 and sunny every day the last couple weeks. The temperatures dropped, hey, but the tempers are dropped now, baby there you go to get them animals moving yeah, yeah, they're moving now they're moving and they're starting to like. I swear to you, dude, I'm not kidding that, uh, for the first time in many, many years, dude, the rut's starting already. That's awesome. We're like three weeks ahead over here. The rut's starting already.
Speaker 1:That's awesome man. We're like three weeks ahead over here. That's awesome, man. That's awesome. Well, man, you have energy Chad, like very few people do, and I appreciate it. Man, I'm super excited to hear some stories. Unless you want to mention something before we get started, let's just jump into some stories. Man, why don't you set the stage for the first one and we'll go from there?
Speaker 2:Well, what kind of story do you want to hear?
Speaker 1:okay, good question. I don't know what your history, but I will say this my personal favorites are when you or someone you know did something really stupid. Those are always great. If you have any of those that pop to the top of your head um other, you're like I've got too many of those hey, dude, that's a good one.
Speaker 1:Let's see what else you know, if you had some kind of crazy encounter with an animal that was a little too close. Those are always good stories. Just whatever your favorite story to tell is also probably the best one to tell.
Speaker 2:All right. Well, hey, that first one you were talking about, like with two buddies. Hey, I remember a long time ago, dude, I went hunting with my buddy diego dude. Well, I went hunting, he just went with me. So I was in this area where, uh, at one time, dude, we were hunting behind mansions dude, it's like million dollar homes, dude.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're yeah these hills were just butted up to the hills. I mean, these houses were butted up to the hills and, dude, I was running cameras back then. Dude, you know big ass cameras now they're like so awesome, the cameras now, but the camera I had before they were just big old things. Well, it was only about 30 minutes from my house, dude, so I was able to, like, go check them all the time right yeah, that's awesome, I wish a couple big bucks dude inside this, in these canyons, dude and, and mind you, dude, they're steep dude.
Speaker 2:It's not no colorado action jack they're steep out here right.
Speaker 1:Hey, we've got steep hills too, all right, you need to leave colorado. This we. We get enough of your california bullshit over here, all right oh shoot, hey, don't make it a blue state too late too late, but all right, besides the point, besides the point, hey.
Speaker 2:So, uh, one day I go and I see these. I go up there and I go hunting. In the evening I see these box dude and I'm like, oh man, they're here, dude, they're coming. They always rotate in like a you know every day. I can see where they're going to be at the next day and they just feed that way in this canyon. I already knew like, oh shit, they're going to be there. So the next day I meet up with my buddy, diego dude, and I tell him hey, dude, you want to go go hunting with me, dude? And he's like yeah, dude, we stop, we buy like a 30-pack we take him in there, because he can just drink beer with me, dude, we're going to have a good old time.
Speaker 2:So we get to the spot, dude, we hike in dude, we're parking in like residential dude, which is legal, so don't get all like, oh, I'm trespassing. We would park and we would hike up dude, and we hiked in Dude, we both had. I had my backpack filled with some beers, dude, my buddy, he was loaded with beers. It's an archery area, dude, we're hunting with a bow.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We get to this top of this ridge dude where we're able to glass dude, and we're glassing and glassing.
Speaker 1:Dropping pints.
Speaker 2:We're drinking beers, we're having a good time, we're early, dude, it's like 5 30, it doesn't get dark to 8. Dude, oh, dude, it's going. It gets about like 6 30. I tell him all right, dude, let's head down this. We're gonna go down to this little trail, dude, and we're gonna. Then we'll walk out and we'll do a two mile loop back to the truck. Dude, we dropped down in this little canyon and right there he was. Dude, there's this monster fork there, dude, I was able to draw back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, dude, I was able to draw back and shoot him with my buddy. Dude, we shoot this freaking thing, right, dude? I shoot it, the buck takes off and I'm like, oh shit, dude. Oh, he were high-fiving, he never seen those. He's hooked now. Now he's hunting, he's got a bow, we wait, dude. So I'm like, hey, dude, we got to wait just a little bit. Dude, I don't want to chase him. If I chase him too far, he might end up going down into the city. Dude, I don't how that's going to work, I know, oh, we're borderline, yeah, so we just hang out, we drink a few beers, dude, we're just chilling, we're celebrating. It gets about like 730,. Dude, I'm like, all right, we start following the blood trail. Well, dude, the deer died like 30 yards past where we couldn't see him, just out of sight.
Speaker 2:So we get them right, dude, I get them all the way up, we, I take pictures, I got them, tag them all. Everything's all legit, right. So I tell my buddy hey, you know what we can do. He goes what I go. Instead of dragging them all the way back three miles, let's just cut down this, this Ridge which goes in between two mansion houses, right, like it goes into a street of a cul-de-sac. I said, how about we just drag them down here? We'll leave the deer at the bottom where the road is. Well, I'll leave my bow and pack. You stay here. I'll walk the street all the way around three miles, instead of going up and down a hill dragging deer right yeah my buddy.
Speaker 2:He's like yeah, I'm down for it, dude. So we start going. It's getting it's dark already, dude, we're dragging them out dark. We're coming down this ridge all of a sudden, dude I've been down this ridge hundreds of times, hundreds. First time ever. We start coming down this ridge and, dude, these people are having a party. Dude. No shit, they're having a party. Dude. There had to be, and it was. It was a black tire, no just pulling a deer out the yard.
Speaker 1:Oh my God.
Speaker 2:We slowly sneak down dragging this deer, because I'm like I don't want to make a commotion right here.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:We get past the party dude. Okay, Nobody detected us at all.
Speaker 1:Wow Okay.
Speaker 2:We get up, dude, and we start dragging this deer down this ridge dude, and my buddy Diego says oh, oh, you know, now he's all buzzed too. You know, he's been drinking the whole fucking time, course lights. He grabs this deer's horns and he starts to go dragging it down and we're like two houses. We're almost to the street, to where I'm gonna stop. He jumps on this b going to stop. He jumps on this boulder dude, and when he jumps on this boulder, the boulder comes out, rolls down the hill, dude, and runs through a slider dude.
Speaker 1:A sliding glass door.
Speaker 2:Are you kidding me, dude? It went through a sliding glass door, dude. Oh my God, dude. I was like, are you shitting me right now? The people came out. They're like oh my god, they were. They thought it was a bear yeah, I believe I would.
Speaker 1:I don't know what I would think jesus christ. What are the odds of that?
Speaker 2:man and I can see him, dude. I told my buddy he's my buddy's laying on his back. Dude, he has, he's on top of the deer dude, and I'm like dude, you can't move. I can see the people. You cannot move, move, dude. You cannot move. Dude, as soon as.
Speaker 1:I see them going in front. I go.
Speaker 2:We got to get out of here dude Jesus Christ, oh my God. Got out of there though.
Speaker 1:That's probably the craziest, funniest one, yeah. So then, how far did you take the deer from there? Like they didn't. They didn't like look outside, call the police. They just chalk it up to like mother nature, like well, what's going on there?
Speaker 2:Like I don't know, we had like another like 200 yards down the hill.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So time we got down to the bottom, we never seen it. I walked the street all the way back and got my truck, drove it all the way back, got my truck, drove it all the way back.
Speaker 1:Never you heard nothing about it, no way, maybe they were looking to renovate.
Speaker 2:Huh, that's crazy man, I guess, if it was that loose.
Speaker 1:Everybody just stepped on it and it rolled down the hill. It probably was inevitably going to happen one day or another absolutely, but it's it's.
Speaker 2:It's comical that it happened that way though oh, yeah, gosh.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you guys are lucky man. If they had spotted you, called up the cops or the game wardens and unloaded your bags filled with empty beer cans, well, we would have been legal, though. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, oh, we'll probably get drinking or something, maybe that way or something. Yeah, no, you weren't trespassing or nothing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just the alcohol I'm not sure if it's legal to drink and hunt or not, but that's crazy. I can't believe that stone rolled through their fucking house.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was a wild one, that's for sure that's crazy, man.
Speaker 1:Well, that's a good start, Chad. What else you got for us, man?
Speaker 2:Well shoot. You heard a story about Big Red the bear.
Speaker 1:I have not. Let's go.
Speaker 2:Oh, so I'm running these trail cameras Up in this area, dude, and uh, we have a good amount of bears in the area, right. And uh, we come across these pictures, dude, and it's probably one of the biggest bears that I've seen and you know, shoot a long time dude right and automatically we named him Big Red. He was like 600 and some pound bear dude nice cinnamon red yeah, oh, yeah, real red that's cool out here they're not really hibernating.
Speaker 2:Where I'm at, you know what I mean they're not hibernating oh interesting, never thought about that. Okay, that makes sense yep, because the winters out here suck dude. I mean, we don't really get winters. You know what I mean?
Speaker 2:I mean it's rare, you know. And so we see this bear on camera and I just said, dude, this is the bear I want to get. I'm going to focus on this bear. And he was coming down this funnel, dude, and it's a funnel I call Bear Alley. I don't know if anybody heard of it Some people probably heard or know about Bear Alley but I call it Bear Alley because, dude, it's like a major pinch funnel to come down to like the wilderness of, like a mouth, right? Yeah Well, these bears are just constantly coming down. Well, big Red was coming down this trail, for I would say every couple days, with a bunch of other bears and interesting yeah, oh, this, this, this bear alley.
Speaker 2:There's a reason why it's bear alley, bro, because, dude, there's literally like 12 different bears that travel this corridor every day are they just like?
Speaker 1:is there good food on one side or the other, or water or bedding? Or what specifically you think is moving them like that?
Speaker 2:Well I know, on the left side of this whole valley I found berries recently.
Speaker 1:That would do it.
Speaker 2:That would probably be there. But the acorns are just crazy dude, Crazy amount of acorns and there is a water source and bears have to have water every day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, that makes sense. All right, keep going, big red.
Speaker 2:So we get all this footage on this bear. So I was literally hunting this bear like three to four days a week for weeks.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow, okay.
Speaker 2:Passing up bears. Passing up bears, just waiting, waiting. I mean I could have shot several different, I don't know, 200 pounders, 250, 300 pounder maybe, but I was waiting for this one bear, dude. Right, so it comes down. Dude, I get up there. We see the footage. I haven't been up there in two weeks. I noticed, oh my God, big Red's been in this area every day two times a day, like 8 to 10 in the morning, gone, and then he comes back and he, when he comes back, it's like always about four, 30, you know, always around four, 30. Okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I said, shit, dude, I'm going to hunt this thing. So I go and I'm hunting bear, I'm hunting the bottom, my uncle's hunting another spot we call the wagon wheel. And we call it the wagon wheel because back in the days there was like a wagon wheel from like the 1890s. Dude, oh, that's cool, it was just left out. We always thought, hey, did somebody bring this up here? Who knows, I don't know, but there was a wagon wheel up there.
Speaker 2:Is it still there or is it? Is it somebody move it out? It's like there. It's there, but in pieces. You know from all the years, you know what I mean. So I'm hunting there in the morning, dude, I'm like there, I'm there and I'm an early guy. I'm like dude, I'm ready to go hunting dude, right, I'm in there, I'm in this, I'm in the spot dude at dart, I'm with my bow, I'm hunting with my bow and I'm sitting there. Nothing, dude, nothing, no deer, no bears, no, nothing. It was just.
Speaker 2:I only think I seen maybe a squirrel, that's it yeah I'm like all right, I'm like I stay till about 11 o'clock, dude, okay, I'm like all right, I'm gonna bounce back. I go back to my uncle. I, he's still in the spot, like you guys see. You see anything he's like he said it only like two deer. I'm like all right.
Speaker 2:Well, hey, let's drive down to this place we call the oaks because, dude, we put like a camera there like months ago and just never got back down there. I go, hey, let's drive down there, dude, it's in between hours. Let's go down there Check it out, dude, get that camera and then get back for the evening hunt. Dude, I want to be in my stand by like 2.30. I want to be there like two hours before 4.30, right, yeah, yeah, 2.30. I want to be there like two hours before 4.30, right, yeah, yeah, of course we take off, dude, and we're driving down, dude, we're coming down this dirt road.
Speaker 2:We're almost to the spot, dude. We come around the corner, dude. And dude, there is a sick fuck dude on the road. Four doughs, oh, I'm like, dude, that's the fuck, fuck, dude, that's a sick fuck. We stop the truck, dude. I jump out, dude. And, by the way, we're on a dirt road in the middle of the mountains. It's not like we're hunting off the roads and shit. And I gotta always be clear, brother, because people out here they fucking trip out dude yeah, I believe it oh my god fucking.
Speaker 2:They must be hidden liberals, dude.
Speaker 1:So and the tree stands looking for you to mess up yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2:So I get out, I grab the bow, dude. I'm like, oh shit, this is sick dude, and, by the way, I was trying to shoot something with this bow. This is the bow that when I got picked for hunt wars, do the TV show, dude, I got picked for that show. They sent me this. They sent me this bow, right, and I'm like nice. Oh, I want to kill something with this bow, because in two weeks I'm going out to Illinois for a fucking white tail hunt. Right Dude.
Speaker 1:That's awesome. What kind of bow.
Speaker 2:A prime. They gave me a prime. Bow. Hell, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. So I'm like perfect dude so I want to shoot something with this bow, right.
Speaker 2:I'm like, yeah, I want him. I jump out of the thing. I don't see the deer no more. I know he had to just walk up, because the does just barely walked up this hill. I'm walking down, I'm I'm knocked and loaded. I'm walking down. I see the doe. I'm looking up, right. I'm like, oh shit, yeah, and I'm scanning and I don't see the buck. Well, dude, the buck was still right, like down the bottom. I looked I said, oh shit, he's right there, range, find him, dude. I was like 32 yards.
Speaker 2:I'm like, oh shit, oh, first thing, I was like, please don't miss it, 32 yards, right, dude. I drew back and just hammered this buck. Dude, he runs up on this, up this heel, he makes it up this heel, he barely makes it to the top of this heel. And then he just disappeared and I'm like, no, no way, I thought it was a good shot, dude. I'm like panicking, myicking. I'm like, oh my God, my uncle comes down. He's like, what happened? I go, I hit him, dude, he goes. Well, where is he? I go, he made it out of the hill. My uncle said, oh, not a good shot, dude, probably not a good shot. Thanks, uncle. I'm like yeah, thank you. So I'm like all right, well, I got to go up there, dude. My uncle's like you got to go on your own. There's no way I'm going to get up that hill. If I do, you're going to be trying to get me out, I mean the hill is steep, okay, so dude, I leave everything down.
Speaker 2:I grab my pack rolling dude, idiot me, I didn't have my freaking trek poles. Dude, that's a lifesaver right there.
Speaker 1:That's a serious thing. Yeah, that makes a big difference.
Speaker 2:And you need them out there too, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I one time did a pack-out challenge where it was just like you had to take the weight of an elk like a mile and a half through the mountains and I didn't think it would bring them mine and fortunately my buddy that I was doing it with did. But we each used one and we did the first lap and it sucked right. I had like 90 pounds or whatever, did a lap and then we get to the second one and he picks up his sticks and starts walking and I'm walking without the sticks and I'm like why is this so much harder? I'm doing like 70 pounds this time I'm doing less weight. This should be easier, but no, it was way harder and it was just because I didn't have one stick, let alone two sissy sticks.
Speaker 2:But I'll be a sissy, happily, man me too, I, I they're always in my pack, dude, no matter what I mean if I don't use them. They're still there, but I'm literally using my hands and knees climbing up this fucking hill. Dude, I'm just like I finally get to the top. I look over, I'm like dude, he's right there, he, he was right there, dude. He got to the top and just laid out, dude, and died dude.
Speaker 1:Oh perfect, man Perfect.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but there's got to be more man.
Speaker 1:This story's about Big Red. This story isn't about a deer. What?
Speaker 2:happens next? Get him out, dude. We get down. I drag him down the hill, dude, I'm like, oh shit, I'm looking at the clock. Dude. I say, hey, dude, let's take like two pictures. Dude, I'm a picture motherfucker, you know. I literally said, dude, let's just take a couple pictures, dude, and get this guy in the truck. We'll take care of him back at camp, dude. Dude, I'm looking at my phone. It's not even a watch, it's a phone. You're looking at the phone. I'm like, oh my time. I'm like, dude, we need to get back. We get this guy in. We skin him out. I just deboned him, dude. I was like I'm not going to mount this one Dude, freaky buck. Dude, he's like a six by seven, all freaky trash. Dude. Oh, dude, Interesting.
Speaker 1:Tricky trash dude oh dude.
Speaker 2:Interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's fucking Newly.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, oh yeah. That's crazy Okay cool and he was old dude. He had really no teeth, dude Old guy.
Speaker 2:Old guy, but he was still beating cheeks, dude, he was still getting that dough, right, I mean, he was still getting that. Yeah, he was, yeah, he, yeah he was. So we get the meat, we get the meat, we fucking debone it. We get him all ready, deer's tagged, we get him going. I'm like, dude, we gotta go go go fuck the camera. We didn't even get to the camera, dude, we didn't even go check the card. I'm like fuck that camera, dude, we need to get back. We get back, dude, he drops me off now. But this is the thing. When we came back, I said you know what we get back, dude, he drops me off Now. But this is the thing. When we came back, I said you know what I'm not going to be picky tonight, dude.
Speaker 2:Tonight's pretty much going to be one of the last nights I got to hunt. I got to go fucking to Illinois, dude. I don't have any more days to come up here hunting.
Speaker 2:Got it by the time I get back. I got Ohio, I had all kinds of different other hunts. I'm like, fuck it, Any bear that comes down and there was like a good amount of bears would come down I go, I'm going to shoot and I didn't take the bow right. I ended up taking my dad's 45, 70. So my dad. Before my dad passed away, he bought a 300 and he bought a 45-70. Well, my dad got sick and he passed away and he never got to shoot the guns right.
Speaker 1:Not even like on the range or anything.
Speaker 2:No, no, Because the time they came in my dad got real sick and my dad passed away quickly after.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, man, that's too bad.
Speaker 2:And so he never even got to fucking see the fucking 4570. You know he bought it, but he never even got to hold that fucking thing.
Speaker 2:So, I said you know what? Fuck the boat, I'm going out with a 45-70. First bear that comes down, I hope he ain't a fucking baby, because If you're 52 pounds you're getting busted. I'm sitting up at my spot, dude, I mean, and I'm on a ledge. So the way this funnel comes down, it comes down like this, you know, and I'm on a ledge. So the way this funnel comes down, it comes down like this, you know, and I'm on a ledge, dude, I'm on top tour. I'm looking down to the right. I'm like I can see down and I'm sitting there, dude, I got the gun all loaded, dude, I'm fucking sitting by the tree, dude, it's 2 30, 3 o'clock, 3, 3.30.
Speaker 1:4 o'clock. I know that feeling, I know that feeling Dude?
Speaker 2:it's like dude, you know, when you say that, oh, I'm only hunting for one bear. You got all these other fucking bears in front of you all day long, right when you vow to shoot any bear. They all disappear. Right, you vow to shoot any bear they all disappear.
Speaker 1:Right same thing with deer right. Yeah man, I, I, I learned this lesson the hard way. It's like you always keep your gun on you because as soon as you leave it behind, you go take a shit. That's when the elk show up.
Speaker 2:Right is right when you leave your weapon behind so I never I take my shit with gun in hand.
Speaker 1:I'd take my shit with gun in hand, yeah.
Speaker 2:So I'm sitting there, bro, and I'm like, oh dude, it's 430. I'm now, I'm not like in relax mode, because I made a whole seat inside the heel, dude, where I'm just chilling. Now it's like it's go time. Here's where Big Red's been here every day for the last two weeks, dude, oh dude, yeah Well, dude, I am literally like waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. At five o'clock, dude, I was like you know what? He's probably not coming, dude, I'm gonna fucking bounce out. That's what I tell myself. It's like 5.15, maybe it's 5.15, right.
Speaker 1:I said I'm going to wait 30. What time is sunset?
Speaker 2:Like 7.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Like 7. I'm just sitting there all day thinking like this is where those trail cameras do play tricks on you.
Speaker 2:Dude, you know what I mean, because oh yeah you got pictures with times every day and you're comparing them from day to day to day, like dude, some of these fucking days, some of these days that he was there, dude, literally a minute, two minutes in between, like two minutes, like, like it was like same pattern, dude, right, I had them patterned, I had them patterned, and here I am at 515, already giving up because I'm like dude, there's no fucking pitchers, there's no pitchers, right, there's no pitchers. Well, I'm sitting there, dude, next to that tree, dude with the gun, and I remember sitting down there and I told a story. I said, dad, bring a bear down this way for me, dad, because I want to shoot him with your gun today's the day, dad.
Speaker 2:I know you're here, dad, I got your gun and sure as shit. 25 minutes later, right when I'm about to give it in dude, it's 545, 550, almost 550, and I'm about to give it in dude. I'm like fuck it, I'm going to head back to camp. It's getting cold already. I'm going to go back to camp. I already getting cold already. I'm going to go back to camp. I already got a deer.
Speaker 1:Yo, I got a deer. You've had a good day. You've had a good day.
Speaker 2:Right, I got a deer dude. That's why I was like I'm going to go have some beers at the back of camp and I hear one twitch break One, and I look to the right dude and when I look to the right I can see the, the ravine. Right, I'm trying to do it so you can see right like the ravine yeah and in between the ravine there's this tree. But you can see through. You see how I can see you through. You know what I mean yeah, through your fingers, yeah well, I can see.
Speaker 2:I go oh shit, there's a bear right there. I turn to my right, grab the rifle off this tree because it was tilted up against the tree like.
Speaker 2:So you know what I mean yeah, I'm like, oh, dude, I don't believe this is gonna happen right now. This, oh my god, this he's committed now, yeah, unless all of a sudden the winds turned around and I'm using nose jammer. I'm a bath in a nose jammer. I got nose jammer all over my ass, right, I'm fucking decent it up, dude. He ain't smelling me. Dude, did my feet? Everything, socks, underwear, nose jammed up. This bear comes down. And when he comes down, I look and I said, oh shit, he comes out of the bush. Now. I mean, he is broadside, no trees involved, 30 yards. I mean this is my bow shot, right. That's why I've been hunting the whole fucking year in here with a bow only. And now I'm like I got a rifle, right, oh my God. I go and get my gun, dude, and I lean against a tree. And when I lean against the tree, I look at this bear and I'm like, oh my god, that's big red dude oh my god, I was, I knew it.
Speaker 2:Man, that's awesome I fucking boom, I shoot. This bear drops him. I mean with a 45, 70, 200 like 50 grain bullet dude.
Speaker 1:I mean, I mean From 30 yards, yeah.
Speaker 2:I shoot and just this bear folds dude and dude. You know what's so great about it is this all happened in front of my trail cam.
Speaker 1:Oh, no shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah dude, oh yeah dude, oh, I got my mulch right there. It was like, oh, I got the whole fucking thing, dude.
Speaker 1:Video or pictures.
Speaker 2:Huh.
Speaker 1:Video or pictures.
Speaker 2:Just pictures, I wish.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:The video oh my God, would have been epic dude.
Speaker 1:And this is why, yeah, I believe it.
Speaker 2:I shoot this bear. He lays out in the middle of this dirt road dude, and I'm like this dirt road dude, and I'm like oh, oh, shit, dude. I'm like chest bumping the tree, I'm fucking celebrating with anything. I'm so excited, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Six minutes later the bear gets up. Dude what Six minutes, dude? Because I have it on trail camera right. He's laying down and then the next picture it takes is six minutes later, the bear gets up. I look over. I'm like no fucking way, dude, he starts away. Yes, way, what the fuck? Oh yeah, he gets up. When he gets up, I jack another shell, dude. I miss, I fucking missed him, dude. I jacked another one right now. The way he's going, he's gonna go down this, oh my god, this ravine he's gonna go down is gonna be fucking insane, right, dude?
Speaker 1:yeah, I'm like let me ask a quick question, chad man, so six minutes from when you shot him until he stood up, were you you just like I'm going to give him a little time? Or when you dropped him, were you not sure that he was gone? Or like, what were you doing during that six minutes besides chest bumping trees, man?
Speaker 2:Well, I was getting my backpack on and like Okay, okay. You know well, it took like a couple minutes to really digest what just went down.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, digest what just went down. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, I'm glad you weren't there six minutes later.
Speaker 2:But yeah, keep going. I didn't even you know when I shot the first shell. That was it. You know it doesn't eject because it's a lever action. Henry's right, it's a lever action yeah so I never even jacked another shell.
Speaker 2:It's like, why bears down right? It's like, ah, yeah, I set the fucking gun back on the tree. Dude, I'm getting my backpack. Dude, I'm getting all my. I had some. You know I have water. You know I'm sitting there. I had, like water bottle out my little candy bag. I put everything in my pack, get my pack on. Soon as I buckled my pack, I turn around. Bear stood up, dude, and I'm like no shit oh, no, fucking way I got.
Speaker 2:I ratcheted a shell, dude, I went to shoot can. There's no scope, it's iron sight, it doesn't matter at 30 you should hit it still, was he moving quick I'll just say yeah, maybe not that quick, but quick.
Speaker 1:That's the good answer. Okay, I get it. I get it, wink, wink. All right, keep going.
Speaker 2:He gets to the edge right at the end of the canyon and I go to shoot again and I'm like, dude, he goes over the side. I'm like, oh, dude, did I just fucking miss that guy? Oh my God, now guess what? I don't have no more shells, dude.
Speaker 1:No, okay, okay. All right, this is a great story. The shells are in my truck.
Speaker 2:I'm like, oh, my truck is like 200 yards up the road, dude. And I'm like, oh my God. So let me get this straight what I got to do, I got to run down this hill. I got to run past the bear, run to the truck, get my fucking bullets run back. So here I am. I run down the ridge. I don't even know why I looked over, dude. Okay, I had no shells. I don't know why I even got to the corner and peeked over to see if I could see them, because that's what I did, dude. I get to the fucking corner, I peek over and fucker's right there, damn it.
Speaker 2:Looking back at me and I'm like. Oh God, oh oh. I just take off and run. I'm thinking as I'm running up the road to get my bullets, I'm like, oh my god, that bear could have got me, dude. He could have said you know what? Oh, you're the reason my pain's here.
Speaker 1:It's your turn, motherfucker, and got my, when you looked around that corner. How far was he guess?
Speaker 2:oh, oh, when I peeked over yeah, Five feet, five yards.
Speaker 1:I mean no shit. Okay, good God, I'm like oh, oh, oh.
Speaker 2:Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I start taking off, dude, and I'm literally thinking on the way almost to my truck like, oh my God, dude, that could have been fucking brutal right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I fucking get to my truck. I'm like well, dude, the way my truck is, I got to drive down. The nearest place to turn around and pull out is at the wagon wheel. I come in, I'm driving down. You know what I mean? I fucking come into the wagon wheel. I come in, I'm driving down, you know what I mean? I fucking come into the wagon wheel. I'm like hey, uncle, my uncle's, like he's like what the fuck, dude? Like something serious must have happened because, dude, this is prime time hunting down here, right, and here, I come in, fucking yeah what so?
Speaker 1:were your shells not in the truck? Why are you repositioning the truck? Why aren't you just grabbing the shells and going back?
Speaker 2:I was, I was scared.
Speaker 1:Oh okay, that's good. That's a solid answer, as I can get right there.
Speaker 2:That's perfect, okay yeah, I just felt like if my uncle came back, it'll be the fucking. The support was there. So we get back to the spot. Dude, within like 10 minutes, though, we get back. I go over there now.
Speaker 2:I'm loaded up right now my uncle's like I'll back you up, in case you know. I'm like, yeah, dude, I suck with this gun, that's obviously. I come down. The bear's not there, dude. I'm like, oh dude, I look, I go there he is. He went down another 20 yards and that was it, and I was like no way, so I get down there. I look I'm like, oh shit, this is gonna be a fucking beast to get out, right yeah, 600 pounds of bear jesus oh so it's dark now it's dark, mind you. Okay, it's like it's dark.
Speaker 2:So my uncle's like oh, dude, here's some rope, we're gonna do this rope down here, we'll tie it up. Yeah, blah, blah. Okay, sounds good and I'm down for it because there's no way I'm dragging this fucker out. It's nighttime, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, dude, like do I hang out in the beer and bear alley right so other bears could come by at any moment yes, that's exactly right.
Speaker 2:We're in bear alley, just at the bottom part of bear alley dude, it's like gosh so I'm like, oh, so we go down there, we, I tie this fucking rope around his under his arm. So it's like, you know, he's like the bear's like this, right, you know what?
Speaker 1:I mean, yeah, like he's in an inner tube.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I got him all tied up. My uncle has it up there. He's in a slingshot around this tree, dude, and we're gonna do a pulley system right. He starts fucking going.
Speaker 2:He could only pull that bear up like 20 yards, dude, and then it got to the point where the heel was so steep, he was like, nope, can't pull that up, we have to do a figure, a different thing. I was like, well, check this out, let's tie this rope off how it is around this. So we were able to tie the thing up, so the bear actually was suspended like 20 feet off the bottom on the side of a cliff.
Speaker 2:Okay okay, yeah I felt confident that if we left him here at night hanging here, nobody's gonna get it right. And if it does, that bear's bigger dude oh my god, he'd be bigger right, because this thing's fucking humongous yeah I. We get him all tied up. He's suspended dude. We go back to camp nearest to say I hardly slept, dude, okay I believe it, I believe it, the whole fucking night I'm thinking huh, dude, I hope nobody no bear comes in and gets that thing.
Speaker 2:Dude, please, don't let no bear Come on. Don't let no bear get that thing, because that's the only thing that would get it. Coyotes wouldn't have got it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, or a mountain lion yeah, or a mountain lion?
Speaker 2:I don't think a mountain lion would jump up. Maybe who knows, super cat, I don't know. So up and I, maybe who knows, super cat, I don't know. So I uh literally go in the morning. My I tell mom, go, hey, check it out, the bear ain't going nowhere. I'll go down over there, I'll wait for you. But you should hunt in the morning. Still wagon woods on the wagon wheels on fire in the morning, maybe you'll get a. You get an opportunity to shoot a deer, because he had a deer tag steal. I'm like, so you should do that In the morning.
Speaker 2:We got up, dude, and he's like you know what? I don't give a shit, I have plenty of time to come back up here and hunt. I'll just help you get the bear out. We drive back down there. What we had to do is lower the bear back down. What we had to do is lower the bear back down, drag the bear across the canyon, drive both vehicles all the way around to the other side of the canyon, lower the rope one way down. One truck. So we had to use both trucks as a pulley. Tie the rope into our ball hitch, use it as a pulley to pull that bear up, dude.
Speaker 1:We got that bear to the road and I'm going to tell you it was the best thing ever dude to have that bear whole on that road.
Speaker 2:That's awesome Fucking A road. That's awesome, fucking a. And then we got this big ass tree through the rope. Over that, one truck pulled up forward, lifted the bear up, the other truck backed under, we lowered it in in the truck and then we went to my uncle's house because he has a winch. You know what I mean that's too funny, man.
Speaker 1:So a couple quick questions. One from when you were like Dad give me a bear, man. I want to do this right now. Today is the day. How long was it from you talking to your dad until that bear walked out?
Speaker 2:20 minutes.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, that's awesome, man, that's awesome 20 minutes. Okay, next question when did you hit it? I'm assuming that at 30 yards, with that big of a caliber. You maybe just knocked it the hell out With your shot and that's why it stayed there for 6 minutes, but like where, what was the actual wound? Where'd you get him?
Speaker 2:It went through one of the lungs.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:He was on one lung.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. That's a tough bear man To take that shot of that caliber from 30 yards and get up and go jeez six minutes later yeah, right you know, a quick nap, quick hibernation oh my god, dude, yeah anyway man, that's a great story. Yeah, oh man, I do not want to be you when you were five feet from that bear, a wounded bear. No thanks, no, fucking thanks.
Speaker 2:Oh, dude, I know Dude, there's this guy out here, right? They call him Bear Bait, His name's like Carla right. They call him Bear Bait and the reason why it is this guy shoots this bear. A few years back it was on the news and everything. This guy shoots a bear, gut shot it okay.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, okay archery or rifle archery archery he shoots his bear and, uh, he doesn't wait for his boys to come help track it. He decides he's gonna go tracking himself. Bless you he's. He thinks he's gonna go, uh, tracking himself, dude. So he's tracking this fucking thing. It's nighttime now. He didn't wait for his buddies to come up and help. He's by himself. He thinks it's the greatest shot. He's fucking crawling dude. He has a headlamp on right. He has a headlamp on and he's crawling dude. And he goes like this oh shit.
Speaker 2:Let's see what's down the tunnel, because he's on his hands and knees walking in a tunnel.
Speaker 1:Walking in a tunnel. The tunnel you mean like the bears create tunnels in the brush right. Yeah, like a tunnel brush. Okay, got it. Not all my listeners know. I just want to make sure some people have seen. I've seen that before. No way am I crawling in one of those. But yeah, bears make these tunnels in thick brush and apparently this Carlos was crawling through one. No thanks In the nighttime?
Speaker 2:No, Okay keep going. And when he went, like this dude, his headlamp, like this, fucking went right on that bear's face. That bear went up, fucking got him. Dude. Got him. Oh, dude, he ate his fucking eye out. Dude, fucking chopped his horn. Dude, this guy's getting fucked up. Lucky for his buddies, they got to the trailhead, noticed that this doofus didn't wait. They fucking, kind of like, followed you know the path where he said he was going to be at. Dude, they found the bear Eating his ass dude.
Speaker 1:So Carlos didn't make it.
Speaker 2:No, he did, he survived, what the fuck? Hey, you don't get a nickname Bear bait if you die.
Speaker 1:That's a good point. Yeah, you don't need a nickname after the fact. You're just no longer with us is what you are no, he is, though.
Speaker 2:That's why he's bear bait crazy, though yeah that's crazy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, nothing. He probably hates that nickname. Yeah, it is well. Yeah, I'm. He's probably, I don't know. I'm glad he's alive. That could have definitely been the last thing he ever did.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, though. But all bullshit. I'm glad he did make it, but, dude, it's a serious thing with a wounded bear, dude, or a mama bear dude, you know, with cubs.
Speaker 1:Any predator, man Any predator that you wound.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean that bear, and you know people don't understand how fast bears can run. They can get going.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I've seen some videos of like grizzlies running through some forests and it's like in like two seconds it's come and gone Like they're just lightning fast for their size. It's crazy man.
Speaker 2:I know, dude, it's crazy. Definitely that guy could have got my ass, that's for sure.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know it's crazy. Definitely that guy could have got my ass, that's for sure. Yeah, gosh, I can't believe he got his eyeball eaten. That's, that's gross, um and sad but, uh, dude, chad fucking awesome, awesome stories. Man, do you have photos of Big Red and uh and the, the old buck that you killed on that day?
Speaker 1:yeah, I do of course, yeah, I knew you did. I want to see those things, man. I want to. I want to put them on the Instagram so that the listeners can see these these absolutely did you actually get to weigh out that bear. Was he actually 660 or?
Speaker 2:yeah, yeah, I actually got 492 pounds of meat off of him no shit, that's a ton so, whatever you think, the rest weighed.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean yeah, I've heard that you get like a 60 yield. So if you know, if you're getting 400, that's like another, that's like a 700 pound bear I think it was like we think it was around 600.
Speaker 1:But yeah, that's awesome, man, that's awesome. I've never had bear meat. It's high on my list. I've. I've had bear tags, uh, but I've never like, it's always been complimentary to my elk tag and I've been elk hunting, not bear hunting, and of course I've never seen a bear when I have a bear tag. Right, maybe someday, maybe someday, but I think in California you guys have a lot more of them than we do here in Colorado.
Speaker 2:Dude, they average out here 60,000 to 80,000 bears. Dude, no shit, that's what they're estimating out here 60,000 to 80,000.
Speaker 1:That's crazy, is the tag over the counter. You just go pick one up for any resident.
Speaker 2:Over-the-counter, dude, over-the-counter. I think non-residents really get boned out here, dude, you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's like $500 or something, but residents, I think it's like $56 or $60 for a bear tag.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. Can non-residents just show up and hunt, or do they have to put in or anything? No Cool, no Not for bear De Deer.
Speaker 2:there's, you know, of course, a lot of the zones for deer you would have to, but bear over the counter, you can come on out and they're plentiful dude plentiful, I believe it.
Speaker 1:I believe it, it's on your flag, after all. Right, absolutely, chad man. That was a phenomenal story from like the beginning to end, and a little side note of bear bait, or whatever his name is, you got any other ones for us?
Speaker 2:man, well, or whatever his name is, you got any?
Speaker 1:other ones for us, man oh shoot.
Speaker 2:I can't figure it out.
Speaker 1:I'll ask one from you, because I know you were on Hunt Wars why don't you real quick explain what Hunt Wars is? I know what it is, but maybe not everyone else does. Sure, and then getting selected through that hunt, because I've watched your episode. Man, it's awesome. You look cold, but it was awesome, so why don't you just tell that story real quick? Sure brother.
Speaker 2:Sure. So Hunt Wars is an athlete's kind of game. You know your competitors. You're competing against other fellow hunters, not like you know anything special. You know you're getting picked. $100 gets you a raffle ticket. Okay, $100, get you a raffle ticket okay $100, dude. Yeah, get you a raffle ticket and they pick 14 winners. Dude, I believe it's 14 picks. That's what they pick. And then when you get picked, you have the option. You know, you pick a partner whoever you want to go with you.
Speaker 1:So it's really two people get to go. Okay, do you get one tag between the two of you, or are there two tags? No, everybody going gets tagged One tag.
Speaker 2:So your partner is the spotter glasser.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:If you got an elk, he's the one doing the elk color.
Speaker 1:But you're the trigger. Got it, got it Okay.
Speaker 2:Cool, got it, got it, okay, cool. So you put your dollar in there, right? Well, dude, I had a few. I had a few dog, so I'm in season one, okay. No, I take that back. I hear about it on season two I apply dude, I buy like four. On season season two I bought like four of them 400 bucks. I was like, ah, it's, if you get picked, dude, you're gonna get more than 400, right.
Speaker 2:So yeah, I put sure, I put, I put 400 in, I got our cool. I didn't get picked. Oh my god. Oh, that's how it, that's how it goes, that's how it goes yeah. Season three comes around, baby, I'm like fuck it, dude, I'm going to fucking get in again. Well before I got in they had said anybody that was in last year gets in.
Speaker 1:Your points roll over, okay you get like another name in the hat, all right.
Speaker 2:And I'm like oh shit, well, I gotta get four so I can get those four. So that makes me have an eight picks for this year.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I'd fucking get four dude. I'm like, yeah, yeah, well, not only that, they tell me, hey, if you get 10 people to get a fucking entry, we give you another raffle ticket, right.
Speaker 1:There you go. Okay, your odds have been helping your odds.
Speaker 2:And I'm like, oh fuck, yeah, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I got 20. I got 20 people to get in, so I got more okay I got two more raffle tickets, so now that makes me have 10. I'm like, yeah, I go, I get. I get a call from this lady. I'm a painting contractor. Perfection, perfection, painting, right. Okay, this lady wants this job right. And I tell her, oh, I added so much extra, I added 500 extra bucks on this job, because I'm like, if I get it, I'm putting five more picks in the Hunt Wars fucking lot. Dude, I get the job.
Speaker 2:Oh shit, I get the job, I get the job, so I get more tickets. Dude, I'm in, I'm all in for like 14 I believe it was 14 or something like that. Right, I had. I'm all pumped, dude. I'm at my mom's house, dude, I go down there because, honestly, this whole laptop doing the zoom and LA, this is all new to me. Dude, I don't know how to really stream and shit. My mom says she wants to watch it. Oh, so we get to go down. We go to my mom's house, dude, we're hanging out.
Speaker 2:Boom, seven o'clock comes on. It's like draw time, dude. I'm like dude, I'm like they're going to be fucking sick. They call a name, dude, they're calling names. They're calling names, they're calling names, they do a raffle. They call some more names, they do a raffle. And I'm like, fuck, just call all the fucking names. And all of a sudden they fucking say Chad Wilson, dude. And I'm like, no way, oh, yeah, I was like yeah, this is awesome, right. So you put in a raffle ticket. They pick out 14 winners. Then you call your partner up, say hey, dude, I just got in. Yeah, go to illinois. You don't, you don't get to pick it, you don't okay okay, you don't pick it.
Speaker 2:So they had during season three they had one white tail hunt, a couple mule deer hunt, elk hunts. That's what they had okay so you don't know what you're getting. So they notified me saying when could you do a zoom call? Because when you get picked that don't mean you're going. Yeah, they do an interview with you. If you don't fit the slot, they kick you out, pull another name. So when your name don't, get called.
Speaker 1:You're hoping somebody does a fucking ass thing. Do they give you your money back if they kick you out?
Speaker 2:What's that If they were to?
Speaker 1:say that was going to ass, yeah, okay. So I was like that's fucked up. If they're like you win, but we don't like you. We're keeping your money, you get your hundred bucks back. Okay, cool.
Speaker 2:So for the people out there that don't get picked. You're like me, you're gonna wait and hope somebody gets rejected so they can pull another name. So they so brit. Brit is an awesome dude. Troy, he was, uh, part of that. See, they actually troy's. I don't think troy's part of hunt wars this season, but during my season he was. They interviewed me. They're like cool, who's your partner? I have my buddy, keith Chirac, back there in Ohio. Dude, I'm like dude, I want this guy. Oh, they interview us both. They're like oh cool.
Speaker 2:And then they interview everybody. Two weeks later they call me up and we're like hey, dude, we're got good news and bad news. I'm like well, give me the bad news, I guess, first right, because I'll get me bumped up after the bad news you're gonna, you're gonna go. Your partner can't go with you on your hunt and I'm like what he goes. The good news is you're gonna. You're gonna be hunting white tails, and the white tail hunt is for a single hunter, not a oh, okay not a, not a team.
Speaker 2:And I was like, well, that sucks, because I wanted to be team, whack them and pack them. Now it was just chad wilson dude. I was like, well, that sucks, because I wanted to be team, whack them and pack them. Now it was just Chad Wilson dude.
Speaker 1:I was like oh, now it's just team whack. Yeah, you lost your pack.
Speaker 2:So I got picked for that whitetail hunt in Illinois dude. I go after Big Red. After that story, I believe. Like three days later I go to Illinois dude. I fly to Utah. I meet a lot of the Hunk crew. I actually found out the seat from one of the contestants. His name's Andre dude McKenzie. He's from San Francisco. He told me his flight right and I'm like well, we got to go on the same flight over, so I was able to get the seat right next to him on the flight.
Speaker 2:I told him hey, what seat do you got? And he told me a seat. I'm like well, dude, the seat next to you is open still. So you're going to hear me all the way over to Illinois, dude, from Utah. Dude, you're going to be so tired of me, yeah, so we get on the plane, we see everybody, we take off to Illinois and, dude, you want to hear about a fucking treat. Oh Lord, almighty, this was a treat for me. You know who working class bow hunters are right.
Speaker 1:I'm familiar with them. Yeah, I've met the guys, though.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, one of them is named Ross, bigger dude, and we got to stay at his house. They call it Club 200. Oh my God, this man cave is amazing. Dude With mounts, oh, deers everywhere. This guy's a massive white tail killer.
Speaker 2:We stayed at his property, dude, and everybody gets into, everybody gets there. That unite, you're all settled in, you meet and everybody on our particular show is we had a shoot off closest one to the bullseye. Got to pick, uh, the areas where you're hunting. Okay, also, before we get into that, when you get picked, dude, you're getting fucking free gear dude.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like your prime right, so that's sweet.
Speaker 2:I got a prime bow, I got Leopold binoculars, I got a Leopold range finder.
Speaker 1:That's awesome.
Speaker 2:Dude, it was like 60% off on Kefauver bags. Dude, it was like 50-some percent off King's camo. Everything was just sick, dude.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's awesome.
Speaker 2:So you're getting more than your $100, I'll tell you and you know what I got, more than even all the money that I put in, because, dude, binos and the range finders are like a grand, the bow is a grand, you know, everything adds up and, dude, you get all that and you're still getting to go on a hunt.
Speaker 1:Yeah and I've heard Illinois is sneaky good with their whitetail and you said it with your guys man Cave, right? Club 200? Yeah, I've heard it's sneaky good. I'm not much of a whitetail hunter, but I've heard whispers of it being awesome there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, dude. Oh my God, so we have a shoot-off dude. Everybody picks their units, dude. I'm like cool Dude. Thank you more.
Speaker 1:How picks their units? Dude, I'm like cool dude, thank you. How'd you do in the shoot off? What's that? How'd you do in the shoot off?
Speaker 2:first, second, third. Well, I think I want to do, but I gave it up dude for second. But I don't know, I don't want to be a dick. Their first day you know I you know I don't want to be that guy, but honestly I think I fucking won it. Dude and Wes. You know I did, but hey. So I didn't want to be a. I didn't want to come off like a standoffish jerk dude First fucking thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I get that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm like you know what. It's not that big a deal. We're all here, we're having a good time. I don't want to be the guy that starts some shit already. Dude, right. So wes is the number one picker, I'm two. I think andre was three and mike was fourth. He was the four guy because there was only four contestants. Dude, right, okay, we're all there, we're all going going. We're eating dinner, dude. And here it comes, fucking Ross, bigger dude, and Austin Chandler. They come in, dude, and two people are going to hunt Ross's property and two people are going to hunt Austin Chandler's property. Dude, and that's how it was going down. Who's going to pick? Well, these guys come in and they tell their stories. Dog, they're telling like, okay, I got this, I got this.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I seen this. This is this we're allowed to go out and put our own trail cameras up. Dude, oh, we're allowed to do all that shit. Moultrie hooked me up, dude. I took out like five cameras, dude, cell cameras, oh that's awesome. Yeah, fucking A dude. Moultrie Mobile. They believed in me from day one dude, from Hunt Wars, dude, I go out with cell cameras. Now I'm like, oh, at nighttime I can see what's in the food. Lots, dude, how I can sneak in.
Speaker 2:I had a down right, but I didn't know where I was going yet. I did have a down, but I didn't know where I was going yet. So Wes has listened to the whole story, dude, because he's picking first and he picks this other unit and I'm like in my mind is like oh, dude, I want to hunt Ross. Big Dude, I want to hunt the where the guy's shooting multiple 200 inch deer. I think I want to hunt that guy's property, right, multiple 200 inch deer. I think I want to hunt that guy's property, right. Not saying that Austin, he's like that guy's a beast and he shoots a lot of big bucks, dude. I mean big bucks, dude, this guy's he, yeah, he, he. They don't call him the Lord for nothing, dude, this guy shoots big bucks yeah.
Speaker 2:So he tells the story. Well, wes is like oh yeah, oh yeah, well, I'll take your property. I go, I'm taking ross biggers properly, and then that's how it got down. Boom, next morning, dude, we go out. Okay, here it is, we got a dialed in. Dude. I'm like, oh, I just started seeing bucks first night out. I was with wes, dude, he's one. So every day when you're okay, every day you have a new camera guy.
Speaker 1:Oh, interesting Okay.
Speaker 2:So they rotate a camera guy. So the guy you start off with you're not going to get him back until like day four.
Speaker 1:Okay, what's the logic behind that? Just maybe connect different people.
Speaker 2:They want every camera guy to interact with the contestants. Okay, got it. You want every camera guy to interact with the contestants Okay, got it. You know to be, I guess to be biased, right? Yeah, like I guess you know, I don't know People probably who knows make up shit saying they're who knows dude, you know this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, someone can make up some shit somehow. Okay, got it. The deal is this. So we go out the first night, I'm in the blind I, I, just I chose to sit in this redneck 360 blind dude, we're chilling. And I look to the left dude, and I'm like, oh shit, there's a good buck right here, dude, like 20 yards below. And I'm like, fuck, dude, that's a good buck right here, dude, like 20 yards below. And I'm like, fuck, dude, that's a good buck. So the camera guy don't ask him nothing, because they can't help you do nothing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:They're not supposed to tell you how big you think it is. What do you think the yards is? What do you think I should do? Help me, take a tree, stand up. They're just a film. Yeah, it's a solo gig, okay. And I look and I'm like, fuck, I have my range finder so I don't have to be a dildo and ask the guy, hey, what's the fucking range?
Speaker 1:you know, I got my range finder I range find him 22 yards.
Speaker 2:I'm like, oh, dude, I could get this buck. I put my binos up there and I look I go, he's a nine pointer and I'm like he would have been a 10, but one horn was broke off okay, and I was like you know what, I'm gonna wait dude this is the first night this is the first night. The buck probably was a 140, he's he was probably a one.
Speaker 1:He was probably a 140 not a not a crazy monster buck that they have, but good buck correct.
Speaker 2:So that goes on, dude. And then right before dark I look down the end of the field, dude. I said, dude, there's a big fucking deer. I fucking pull my binos up and I'm literally I got a fucking boner. Dude, I mean this fuck is fucking badass. And and I told Wes, I go, dude, that's the buck I want to hunt. Dude, like I want that buck, we need to get down. And that buck, he stayed in the corner the whole time, dog, and this whole and this was a corn plot that was mowed over. So inside this field there's little tiny stubs of corn here and there, right, well, that back corner, that's where he was at. So the next day.
Speaker 2:I go back to the house, dude. I was able to use a side side to get back and forth, so that made it nice. I get back next morning. Oh, and by the way, I already had set cameras up, dude. I'm like, yeah, day one I already had cameras up.
Speaker 2:So, um, getting pictures, dude, of little bucks, does I like I have the whole thing. I'm like, cool, next morning I get up new camera guy, we're going to another spot where Ross already had some preset tree stands up. I got a saddle, dude, I can rock a saddle. I'm good either way, dude. I'm like, yeah, let's do this. We get up, we hit up this next stand, dude, where there's a good, it's a good crossing. We're sitting there, dude, and we're literally in the stand dude, we see a nice buck dude. He's coming, but, dude, it's not the one. It's not the one. I'm like, shit, dude, he's a nice buck. He does a big pattern, he circles back around Dude. Next thing, you know, I look and I see that big fucking buck dude. I'm like, oh shit, he's fucking right there. But he's on the other side of the field.
Speaker 1:Oh, of course.
Speaker 2:It's still 100 yards. I mean not even close for a bow shot.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And he's just staying over there. Fucking. Run it up, dude. He's fucking chasing puss, dude. He's going back and forth. All he's thinking about is beating cheeks over there. I'm like dude. Oh my god, that night ended. We had to wait, dude, for like 45 minutes, dude, and then the coyote called or something and the deer kind of went. We had to wait till the deer left the field. Yeah, we sneak out, we get back, okay, next morning. I'm like dude, we need to. There's another set closer to that corner. I go, we need to get into that fucking thing. I'll be in the saddle this time, dude, and we'll get to another tree closer. We get all in. And it was cool because the camera guy I had, gio, he was a saddle guy, two motherfuckers in saddles, it was like two adult diapers swinging around. We're all set up, dude, that's one way of wording it.
Speaker 1:Two adults in diapers of wording it. Okay, two adults and diapers Love it.
Speaker 2:We're ready. A big buck comes out to the right. I'm like, oh shit, well, it was him dude. He was going around, he just circled, dude. I'm like, oh, come back in, come back in, come back in. Well, he didn't come back in yet, but all of a sudden I look over and I'm like, oh, oh fuck, that buck dude. Oh lord, almighty, this new buck comes out, dude. And I fucking named him megatron dude because dude, because dude, this buck. And if you guys go to season three, look at the whitetail hunt, you'll see the buck on there. It is on there. He is fucking brutal. I dream about this buck every day.
Speaker 2:I'm not kidding, I have dreams. I watched the video dude. I had the fucking video dude. I've been watching the video of that buck a year and a half before they even aired the show. Brother, I'm telling you yeah yeah. So I see this buck. I'm like fuck that buck, because the buck I was chasing he was probably a 150, 160 dude. I mean he was a solid buck too.
Speaker 2:too Girthy straight, four by four. Eight-pointer, perfect eight-pointer. Dude, I'm going to pass this one up for this one, because this one is fucking freaky for one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're playing a dangerous game passing up bucks, but keep going.
Speaker 2:Two drop times. I mean, I'm a sucker for a dropper dude, you want to talk yeah I will shoot a fucking spike dropper if there was such a thing. Dude, I mean, yeah, I like the drop time. Can you give me a water? I, I, uh, I like the drop, so I'm like I'm gonna hunt this buck, dude.
Speaker 2:So we're getting closer to this thing. Well, in between this cornfield at the edge right, there was like a door, there was like a doorway and these deer kept on coming in and out of this door. So I just called out the door because every day, all these bucks, they funneled into the door, thanks bud. They followed. They funneled into the door, thanks bud. They funneled into this doorway, they left. They always came out to the field, gone that way. I'm like, dude, I'm going to get by that fucking thing. So I move a tree stand. Dude, I move tree stands. I had to move one for the camera guy. So when you're hanging a tree stand for yourself, you got to hang it for the camera guy too.
Speaker 1:Oh interesting. You'd think they'd at least do that for themselves. But all right, all right Makes sense.
Speaker 2:No, you do it you do it, dude. So I'm in the corner tree dude. I'm like, oh, I'm now. I'm like 70 yards or 72 yards from the door.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I'm like they come out the door. I just need them to come left a little bit, because there's rules, dude, Okay. There's rules about how far you can shoot Okay, so your buck. Okay, they measure the horn, they add that okay. And then they add the. They measure the horn, they add that okay. And then they add the difficulty of the shot. They add points to that. Then they add the closer it is, the more points you're going to get okay.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:The further shot, less points.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I'm like, all right, well, this big buck comes out, dude, and he makes a right. And I'm like, oh my God, dude, I'm with the camera guy Wes Rise and Shed. You ever hear of Wes from Rise and Shed?
Speaker 1:I've not no.
Speaker 2:Oh, he's out in Utah. He's a photographer, he's an awesome shed hunter and all that stuff. The name of his thing is called rising shed. Okay, he's also the camera guy and, dude, he's filming this. And this buck is a fucking beast, dude. I mean he, he's a dream beast, right, and he walks away, dude, and when he walks away, we watch him out in this field for about 45 minutes, dude, and my heart's just pounding and I'm just like, please, please, come back this way, please come back this way. And he doesn't. He just makes a right and he walks into the field and out of my life, dude, and he's gone, he's gone.
Speaker 1:Never called you back.
Speaker 2:I fucking say dude wes, when we got out of that tree, brother, we got out of that tree, we walked down, I go, let's go over here. We walked to that door where all these deer are at. I wouldn't put a camera in there, dude, right inside of the door, so I'd see anything. And, by the way, it's like 40 feet long of just tall grass that you can't see on the right or left of you brother. It's just that it's tall, dude, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I put a camera on the backside so I'll see anything coming in and out of there, dude. And then I get and I tell Wes, sit right here, dude. And he sits right there. And I walk to the door, I go range find me. And he, range find it. I go, do you got 30 yards? He goes. Yeah, I want to make sure that we're on the same. I don't want my range finder to be off Right. Yeah, I wanted to make sure that we're on the same. I don't want my range finder to be off right. I walked back to this fucking thing. He's in a drainage, dude. That was created by nature, dude, Okay, just withered away. We. Well, I made it a little bit deeper and I said, dude, I'm going to sit in this hole. I'm going to sit in this hole, I'm going to sit in this hole.
Speaker 2:Because you know what? I've been all around this whole fucking food plot, dude, cornfield. All week long, all week long I've been every fucking tree stand. I move trees. All the deer are coming in and out of this fucking door, dude, every one, I go. I'm going to try something different. Move trees, dan. It's not worth all the deer coming in and out of this fucking door, dude, everyone I go.
Speaker 2:I'm going to try something different. I'm going to sit in this hole, dude, we're going to sit in this hole. We go, dude, and we sit that hole that evening, dude, and we're sitting there and I'm going to tell you right now, brother, it fucking worked. We were nose jammed up. I fucking nose jammed everything. I was like all nose. I had my clothes and fucking scent crushing bags, dude, I mean, I was ozone out. I'm telling you, and I'm sitting in this hole, my camera guy's in the hole with me, dude, we're in the trench, dude, in the trench, and we're sitting there and literally, these deer just start coming out the fucking door dog and when they come out, the door they I'm oh, this is it.
Speaker 2:I just need and at this point I was like, if the 150, 160 buck comes out or Megatron comes out, either of those two bucks.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or even the broken nine. I would have. It was on, dude, because I was like this is a chess match. I've been playing chess all week. I think I got checkmate Right here at the door Right and I'm sitting in the hole and my camera guy's in the hole. These deer are starting to funnel out. They're coming out. They're coming out. I'm like a little buck comes out, another little buck comes out. Those are coming out. Dude, my buddy, he fucking filmed it. Wes filmed it. Well, he wasn't my buddy then, he was just somebody. He's our buddy now. We became great friend. We became friends after the show, but we were sitting in this hole and do literally we have does two feet from us eating corn, baby corn, two feet in front of us dude.
Speaker 2:Next thing you know, we have about six or seven deer 10 yards in front of us dude, and I'm like I just need a buck dude Just need a buck. That night none of those bucks came out dude.
Speaker 2:They didn't come out. We had to wait a lot longer, because now we're on the opposite side of this cornfield, we have to wait till every deer is gone. Every deer has to be gone out of this field before we get out. Because they see us coming out, they're like we know you motherfuckers, ben, we know tomorrow you probably fucking crazy fuckers will be in that hole. We didn't want that. So we fucking hiked out, dude. We get out. As we start going out, it starts to snow. It starts to snow, dude, and it's snowing and we go back. Okay, yeah, this is it. Next morning I'm like my camera guy, britt, he gets up, dude. We're like, oh, he's getting the fucking safety harnesses out and I'm like no need for those today, dude.
Speaker 2:We're getting in a hole, we're sitting in a hole dude, we're going in the trench, and he was like what we're going to be on the ground? I was like, yeah, walk outside. There ought to be a couple feet of snow, dude.
Speaker 1:No shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and it was still snowing crazy. I'm like all right. Well, that day, so every day, we've been leaving like 45 minutes before daylight because literally where we're hunting was five minutes from where we're staying. So, okay, this day I said we're leaving like an hour and a half earlier.
Speaker 1:We're going to freeze our ass off.
Speaker 2:We are going to ninja, bruce Lee, our asses all the way to the back of that cornfield dude and we're going to sit tight, dude, and we're going to ambush these bitches. Dude, this is going to be the greatest dude. This is good. We got the trench dug, let's go. We get on the side-by-side. We drive it out Snowing, fucking crazy dude. We get out of the fucking buggy, throw the Kefara bag on, locked up, start cruising. Get my bow. We're fucking hiking down, we're hiking, we're sneaking around.
Speaker 2:We get to the corner of the field and there was a little moon. There was a little moon, so I was able to like throw my binos up. I'm like there's nothing in the field, let's keep going, dog. We start going. We're cruising around the cornfield, we're going down the side of the cornfield. I look up and I'm like, oh shit, there's two deer right there, dude, at the corner. We have to wait. We have to wait. We're all kneeled down, we're hanging out. I'm like fuck. And they kind of like meandered and went right into the door, dude, and I'm like, oh shit, come on, we need to go. Fuck. Walking all the way around. We're shooting straight across this corner. We're almost to the corner of the cornfield to make a left to go to the drainage right yeah I'm at the point where, like, fuck that left, shoot straight across right here, it's just I can't.
Speaker 2:It's just a little cat a corner. We got to get in the hole, baby. We got to get in that deep dish, we get get in there. We set up, it's snowing, we had to clear some snow away, dog. And we sit there, dude, and we sit and we sit. 7.30 comes around, 8.30 comes around, 9.30 comes around. Dude, only one doe's been out in this fucking field, dude. Nothing's out, nothing's coming by the door. And literally this is how much it was snowing. I had my bow laying on the ground, knocked arrow laying on the ground, like right. So Every like 20 minutes, 30 minutes maybe, I had to get my bow and pick it up and shake it because you couldn't even see it. That's how much snow had covered it. Dude, as we're sitting there, we're getting pelted, we're getting fucking soaked, dude. I mean it was fucking miserable.
Speaker 1:I bet man.
Speaker 2:Well, all the data dude from all the cameras dude all week long, dude. There was nothing in the field from 10.30 to 1.30. Ever, ever, dude, ever so I'm like. So I tell Britt hey, dude, let's at 10.30 let's fucking jam back to the house, throw our clothes in the dryer, get dried up, get warmed up, get a little lunch in us and be back over here like at one o'clock. We'll come back at one. And he's like whatever you want to do, I, I do what you say. Deal. I'm like fuck dude. So you doing anything? Fucking guys, I fucking, all right. Well, at 10 30, brother, I stand up, dude, because I'm like dude, I stand up. He starts to stand up because he's in a. He's a look behind me and the drain is a little lower right and I'm like dude, let's just go back, we'll get back out here.
Speaker 2:He's like all right. And I look to the left and I go, oh shit, fuck, I pull my binos up. I go oh my god, it's megatron dude, it's him. Oh my god, it's him dude. And guess what, if I would have been in those other fucking three stands, he went under every one of those stands. There's three sets on the other side of this corn pile. He went under every one of them and I'm like, oh okay.
Speaker 1:That's frustrating.
Speaker 2:So I see him coming, dude, I drop down, I get my fucking bow dude. I'm like, oh, this is sick dude. Oh my god, he starts walking the road, dude. He starts walking the road and I'm like I already had in my mind like, okay, he's gonna come to a point. Either he's gonna walk straight or he's gonna make a left dude, and when he makes a left he'll come to the door. If he doesn't, he'll go straight into that timber, like I've seen him once before during the week. He comes to the spot dude where the trail spits to the left dude. And at that point I already had it. My mind is no matter what, I don't give a fuck about the points anymore, dude, I mean I won't yeah I don't.
Speaker 2:I'm I'm good at 80 yards, dude, I've been shooting a lot. I know if he walks straight, if he gets under where I have my saddle, it's 72 yards. I know that. I even got my range finder Range find it 72 yards. I'm like I already had my mind at if he goes straight, I'm shooting 72 fucking yards. Yeah, okay, dude, it'm shooting 72 fucking yards. Yeah Okay, dude, it's down to the wire.
Speaker 2:You're down to the wire dude I have. I literally have one one night and one morning left and that's all she wrote for this hunt baby. Yeah, I'm like this is it, dude? And all of a sudden the buck made a left dude and I started about to shit myself. I'm like, oh, he's coming to the door.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:He's coming to the door dog, and I'm like, oh shit, we're down in the bush, they're back in the hole. So look, imagine this. Okay, the hole is inside this C, okay, okay, this C is corn bushes, still that you can see through. So here's the sea. Okay, I'm sitting here. The buck is coming down this way, dog, and as it's coming, I range, find him, I have it at 60 yards, he's coming, he's eating, coming. I range, find him, 50 yards, he's coming, he's eating coming. I range, find him 50 yards, he's coming.
Speaker 2:I mean, this is a whole long stretch, dude, and I mean it seemed like it was 30 minutes, but it was probably one and a half minutes. He's coming closer. I range find him again at 45. I'm sitting in a hole. I'm sitting like this. I'm range finding I have my bow. Like this, range finding. Like this. I'm like I'm not, I have the bow already out. Like in front of me, dude, like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're ready, you're ready as soon as he comes past this seat. We're going to see each other, because now he can't see me because he sees all these bushes still, but when he comes on the outside of this sea the boma or whatever you want to call it we'll probably run. We're going to see each other. Unless I don't move and he doesn't pay attention, he'll walk right by me to the door, okay, he?
Speaker 2:gets conclusion I find him at 35 yards. I now say that's enough. I put the range finder down, because now it's like dude, I'm getting a shot, dude, you're, oh, shoot, I'm, I'm letting, I'm, I'm letting an arrow fly, an arrow's coming out of this, right, I now lock my D-loop, dude. And now I'm like this and I have the bow to where you know how you hold your bow out, dude, but you can see right around, like your eyes are like bifocally you know what I mean?
Speaker 1:Go around, yeah, you're looking around each side of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, I'm like this. I have my d-loop knocked up, dude. I'm sitting. I can see the fucker dude walking to the fucking bushes dude and I'm like, oh my god, this is gonna be the greatest right. He comes out to the end of the sea, dude. And when he comes out to the end of the sea, dude, and when he comes out to the end of the sea, I'm like, yeah, I slowly pull my bow back. I pulled it back when he stopped in front of me at 30 yards and he fucking put his head down to eat some corn Because he's looking for the leftover corn, that was left over from the tractor.
Speaker 2:He fucking bends down and he's eating some corn and he must have seen. Oh and remember, I have all my leaf gear on. I'm like a fucking the singing bush dude I am. I'm a bush with a bow, dude, dude, I'm telling you, dude, he must have seen the movement of me drawing my bow back, barely Because he went like this. He looked right up, he stopped chewing. I seen the corn fall out of his mouth dude oh gosh.
Speaker 2:I see his eyes looking at my eyes and at this point I'm like checkmate and I fire dude Boom, hit this fuck. Dude, the fuck fucking takes off. Dude. I'm like, oh man, I'm like going crazy, I can't believe that just went down like that. We go out. I'm like shit, I can't find my arrow. Dude, oh, my God, this is. We find blood. Dude, we start falling blood. Dude, oh, the blood went down and it went into a neighboring property, dude.
Speaker 1:Oh no.
Speaker 2:So you can't just go on the neighboring property, you just can't go on their property, dude these motherfuckers where we were at. They will shoot your ass, dude, I believe it. Okay, they will fucking blow your ass up and say coyote bait. They'll leave you there, probably, and nobody would find you, because you're in the middle of nowhere, dude, you're in the middle of nowhere. So we finally back out, dude.
Speaker 1:You're in the middle of nowhere.
Speaker 2:So we finally, we back out, dude, we finally get permission. Well, when we get permission to go back there?
Speaker 1:was no more snow. Oh and it melted.
Speaker 2:The snow was all melted, dude, and it was. It was hard to even find a blood track again, dude. So yeah, I ended up losing that monster bucket it hurts dude but yeah, that's brutal.
Speaker 1:So I assume you have somewhat contact with Wes, right? He owned that property. Has Wes heard from his neighbors or anyone? Has anybody found that buck has?
Speaker 2:anybody found the deadhead, it was Ross. You mean Ross Ross sorry, yes yes, he says no, dude, he says no. But my thing is, brother, I'm telling you right now you walk out your backyard, okay, and you're doing some shroom hunting, because back there, these fucking guys, they shroom hunt, dude, right yeah imagine this you go out your backyard, dude you and your honey bunny. Right, you got, you got. You got your muck boots on, you're hiking through the fucking.
Speaker 1:I know where you're going with this.
Speaker 2:You're shroom fucking hunting you come across this 200 inch deer. Do you call your neighbor and say, hey, I found a 200 inch deer here, or do you put it in your fucking barn? Yeah, you put it in the barn yeah, you put it in the barn, did the camera guy in the?
Speaker 1:barn. Yeah, did the camera guy get the shot, like the where it hit the deer, like is it guaranteed dead or is there a chance it walked it off or well, it was definitely.
Speaker 2:We listened we. The video wasn't the greatest on that shot, uh, but we heard the visual and all that. It I we're I'm pretty sure I I shouldered it, dude. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I hit it in the shoulder. Yeah, it's a hard one to swallow when you prepare yourself so much, do so much and, you know, come up a little short.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, but that's an amazing story and it's an amazing opportunity really. I've actually signed up for Hunt Wars once I don't remember what season it was, but you've officially lit a fire under my ass to sign up again I already got picked and I still put in.
Speaker 2:That's awesome, man. Yeah, that's amazing.
Speaker 1:Well, this was this was a ton of fun, man. You have so much energy and you have, beyond that, some amazing stories. So thank you, man. I really appreciate you coming on thanks man, I appreciate you, dude yeah, brother, let's do this real quick. Why don't you tell the people where they can find you, let them know about your podcast and whatever socials you want to share, and then we'll let you walk off into the sunset. Good sir yeah, baby.
Speaker 2:well, I'm the chattapillar on instagram. Dude also got a podcast the whack themack'em and Pack'em Podcast. Baby, you can catch me on IG, spotify, apple yeah, awesome man.
Speaker 1:I'll put links to all that in the show notes for the listeners. So if you guys want to check out Chad, if you didn't get your coffee in the morning and you need to pick me up, then tune in to his podcast, because I'm sure you bring the energy every day, man. So thank you, chad, I really appreciate you bring the energy every day, man.
Speaker 2:So thank you, Chad, I really appreciate you brother.
Speaker 1:Thank you, my brother.
Speaker 2:I appreciate you, Mike.
Speaker 1:Yeah, hey, have a good one. All right, dude. Yeah, All right guys. That's it. Another couple stories in the books Again, chad. Thank you so much, brother, for coming on the podcast. I really do appreciate it, man. You are a ton fun and hopefully we get to have a beer together sometime here in the future to listeners. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for tuning in. Please make sure you share the podcast with at least one other person so we can get more listeners reaching out and telling some crazy stories. Also, guys, like I said at the beginning, november's coming up quick. Take one person who doesn't typically vote with you to vote. They'll probably vote the same as you, I'd reckon. Um, but yeah, guys, make sure you check out the links, check out out all Chattapillar's doing, check out his podcast, hunt Wars, all that fun stuff. Thank you, guys, so much for tuning in. I really do appreciate it. Now get out there and make some stories of your own. Thank you.